Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Letter Box

"It's a packet of Letters! I got it in the mail today... Wait! It looks like, Love letters! But from who? A secret admirer? Oh no I dropped it! A lid? How odd... wait what is this? A Box?! Wow how amazing! I wonder if I can re-create this..."

Of course this didn't actually happen, it is mearly a little act :). I was browsing through some crafting websites and I thought it was amazing! Alas, the instructions were odd and complicated, sooo, I made it without them! Here is how:

You will need:
  • scissors
  • or an exacto knife
  • ribbon
  • a pretty good amount of card board or thick paper
  • the bottom of a small-ish box
  • glue stick
  • 11-13 envelopes
  • decorating supplies
  • 1-2 tea bags, dark tea
  • a deep pan
  • a paint brush
The Envelopes
I decided that plain white envelopes were not love lettery, so I decided to dye them a little bit beige with tea (not that you can tell in a black and white photo).
  1. Brew your tea, let it steep for as long as you have patience for
  2. Lay all of your letters out onto the deep pan
  3. Paint them with the tea, then flip them and paint some more (Don't use to much or the letters will fall apart)
  4. Then let the letters sit over night under a book to flatten them, or if your like me and want to get the job done, grab a blow dryer and do some dryin'!
  5. If you used a blow dryer your letters will be a little more curly, but i liked the way it looked
  6. Fin! well, with the letters
The Letter Box
Alright this might get tricky so use your inner crafter!
  1. cut a piece of card board that is about the shape of the envelope
  2. put some glue on the cardboard and slide it into the envelope
  3. measure the base of the little box in the center of the envelope
  4. cut the shape out, do this to all of the letters except for 4 of them
  5. glue one of the not cut envelopes the the very bottom of the box
  6. slide the cut envelopes onto the box, you should have 3 not cut envelopes left
  7. take the non cut envelopes and glue them together
  8. cut two about 2 inch thin peices of card board and cut them in half (these are the hinges)
  9. tie a ribbon around the top 3 pieces
  10. tie the same type of ribbon to the bottom part of the box
  11. then attach the "hinges" to the top and bottom of the box, make sure it's on very well
  12. Decorate and you are DONE!
Thanx for reading! <3 El

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